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240630 [카푹피플로이] 벨드 <더 트레이니(The Trainee)> 서브커플 주디바미 JudyBamhee

ฝึกงานเทอมนี้ รักพี่ได้มั้ย 푹 난 텀 니 - 락 피 다이 마이 (이번 분기 인턴 - 선배를 사랑해도 되나요?) 


떼(씨)와 커플이었던 바미(피플로이)가 상사 주디(카푹)와..

드라마정보 https://mydramalist.com/758579-the-trainee


The Trainee

Passionate student Ryan gets an internship as an assistant director where he meets Jane, an AD with a unique ability to extinguish the fires of people's...


트레일러 https://youtu.be/nSVsbgeZ_tc




서사, 연출 대박이라고 소문난 주디바미